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File List | 1994-02-21 | 3.5 KB | 69 lines |
- 1701a_or.lha Picture of the Enterprise orbiting the ear
- amimug.lha DPaint image for coffee mug.
- amy_squi.gif A picture drawn by me featuring a well-kno
- avp1.lha Insigina images from Amiga Visibility Proj
- barrettz.gif Zippy the Pinhead comic with Dan Barrett
- betacams.lzh 4 pix taken using DCTV from Betacam player
- calvin_n.lha Picture of Calvin at school... :-)
- cobraspi.lha Painting image by Carmen Rizzolo.
- colfresh.lha color version of freshfishcover.lha
- corben.lha Hires hand-painted IFF-Picture
- crater1.lha VistaPro3.05 rendering of Crater Lake (US)
- dragons.lha HAM8&HAM6 Dragon/Adventure pic
- duck_off.lha -Duck off and Fly- Amiga BBS ad pic. 320x2
- dwf_pics.lha HAM images - Roses, SnowyMtn, EarthView
- dwf_pict.lha Various HAM pix
- earth.lha Grey and color mercator projection of the
- elcap1.lha Vistapro 3.05 rendering of El Capitan (US)
- ent.jpg It's coming, to an Amiga near you!
- entastrd.lha 24-bit Painting/Rendering by Carmen Rizzol
- essii_1.jpg Demo collage of Essence II textures
- essii_2.jpg Demo collage of Essence II textures
- fastlane.lha Z3 Fastlane pics(SCSI controller)
- geri.lha First place in the art competition at Amer
- gregbloc.lha Greg Block, from .advocacy, a.k.a. Wubba o
- grogniaa.lha Excellent PAL B&W picture from AARS.
- houseaga.lha VERY nice HAM8 pictures of a house, and of
- intel.lha "Intel Outside" logo, IFF pic
- intelcli.lha "intel outside" logo for PDraw 3.0
- inteleps.lha "intel outside" logo in epsf and ps format
- intelout.lha Picture based upon Commodore's sticker
- jethrotu.jpg Jethro Tull cover pic
- joecocke.lha Iff pic of Joe Cocker
- jpgtreas.lha TREASURE HUNT anim Test Frame =RRW=
- luke.lha 2 JPEG DCTV pictures
- lyapunov.lha 256 color pix from a fractal generator
- marb2_24.lzh IFF 24 Bit Marmor-Brush
- mplush.lha Very beautiful image in MultiPalette forma
- mpwolf.lha Very beautiful image in MultiPalette forma
- newfromc.lha Pics of a new product from Commodore. Ok,
- nova.lha Third place in the art competition at Amer
- opalexp.jpg Image done with OpalPaint (mjf)
- opdsdcli.lha DR2D Structured Clipart
- organic.jpg Cool Essence II Organic examples
- panelcpu.lha A JPEG image by Carmen Rizzolo. Ad for Opa
- prism.dms Great slideshow by Mack/Melon.
- profile.lha 32 color pic of robo lady, Lo-Res.
- ratman.lha HAM picture a a rat batman
- retreat.lha 3d SCALA pic, christmas theme
- sa4pics2.lha Two JPEG 24 bit pics from Scenery Animator
- samauria.lha AGA drawing by Tony Schiffbauer
- sci_3d_i.lha Optical illusion
- sigparty.jpg Amiga 3D dudes at SIGGRAPH party
- sky_24.lzh 24 Bit SKY-Brush
- slu5.lha Picture of "Slu Aspiks" (Skip Sauls) stick
- sludesk.jpg A jpeg of Slu Aspiks (Skip Sauls) desk at
- space.jpg Cool Essence II Space examples
- starry.lha 8 color image for NickPrefs backdrop
- stng_1.lha Rendered/painted picture of Star Trek NCC1
- stoneswo.lha 24-bit JPEG stone and wood textures
- store.lha Pic from M Thompson's Fred Floaty anim
- t_hunt1.lha Frame of TREASURE HUNT animation =RRW=
- t_hunt2.lha Frame of TREASURE HUNT animation =RRW=
- titjuros.lha 9/93 title of satiric magazine 'titanic'
- tshirt.lha 2 nice pix for an Amiga-TShirt!
- wc.lha Two pix useful for bathrooms
- windoze_.jpg Realy funny logo of WindowsNT - The Godzil
- xmen.lzh JPEG images from XMEN cartoon on FOX
- zippy2.lha dtiberio's version of the Zippy comic stri